It's been awhile since I've posted anything and I'm sure that makes me remarkably uninteresting, but a day job has left me with un-needed stress....and it had nothing to do with the at-risk teens I'm working with, but a ner-do-well assistant who is causing more problems than he's worth.
I've been sitting on a new rimmed bowl design for awhile now. It just needs some underglaze and a firing and a glaze firing and we're good to go. I suppose I could post a picture of it in process. That might even be kind of interesting. I'll work on that in the next couple of days.
The dogs have been remarkably boring lately. Tuck did take a dramatic spill off of his trunk/windowsill perch, so I moved furniture around. Also, one of my favorite things to do is troll Target in between seasons for the clearance items and I found a denim love seat cover for a mere $20 which has turned what used to be a really fun piece of furniture for tearing off the cushions and pillows and pulling out stuffing, into a rather nice little couch. (The pillows still get thrown on the floor, but I can deal with that.
I also learned that if Tuck frees himself, he comes back to the word "Stick". Border Collies are the weirdest dogs on the planet. :)